10 Of The Most Beautiful Words In The English Language

Saesha Kukreja
4 min readFeb 3, 2021

Before going any further, I’d like to say that this article was inspired by Buzzfeed’s article “32 Of The Most Beautiful Words In The English Language”. I decided to make my own version of it so all credit goes to them for this idea!

Image by Canva

Do you ever discover a word so beautiful that you can’t help but share it with others? I’ve came across 10 (yes 10!) words, so absolutely exquisite that I can’t help but share them with you today. So without further ado, let’s get into it!


I discovered this word from a TikTok I saw a while ago and I was immediately in awe. It’s odd because I’ve definitely experienced this realization before but I’ve never quite been able to put it into words. I guess now I finally can!

Image by Author

Definition provided by The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows


This word seems like such a good alternative to bubbly, and the pronunciation of the word itself is nothing short of classy.

Image by Author

Definition provided by Wikipedia


The feeling of happiness is so beautiful, and sometimes it can be hard to describe. This word channels a small fragment of the intense, burning euphoria that we experience.

Image by Author

Definition provided by Oxford Languages


I physically gasped when I read the definition of this word. I spent years pressing my eyes and seeing all these pretty designs but I thought that I was the only one! I guess I’m not as unique as I think I am LOL.

Side note: Apparently applying too much pressure to your eyes is a bad idea, so try not to do this too much!



Saesha Kukreja

Biology Major 🔬/ Author of Quaranteen 🖋/ Avid Reader and Bibliophile 📚