10 Resources That Every Writer Needs

Saesha Kukreja
4 min readJun 20, 2021

Resources are key for any writer’s success so I am here to share 10 that have helped me along the way and will hopefully help you as well!

Image by cyano66

1. The Most Dangerous Writing App

Image from Squibler

This is a good one if you are suffering with writer’s block. It pushes you to keep writing because if you don’t, all your progress will be lost.

It can definitely be difficult to navigate at first, but once you get used to the format it really helps with getting words out. You can try it out here.

2. Onomatopoeia Dictionary

Image by JupiterImages

This Dictionary is really useful when you’re tying to search for a specific sound. You can view the full dictionary here.

3. Prompts

Image by pixabay



Saesha Kukreja
Saesha Kukreja

Written by Saesha Kukreja

Biology Major 🔬/ Author of Quaranteen 🖋/ Avid Reader and Bibliophile 📚

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